
We are convinced that our success is about more than just our performance, while the bottom line is of course important for any business it is second to our social, environmental and economic impact.


In a family business, our people are of paramount importance. Finding qualified and talented staff can be a challenge, especially in a rural area such as North Dorset. However, across the group we are very lucky to have a large seasonal influx of staff, from which we can identify and train those who share our values and have
strong potential. High staff retention is reflective of our approach to staff development with an awareness
to move and retrain staff into new areas to match aspirations and strengths.

As a relatively large local employer, we are proud to have hired generations of families with countless siblings working shoulder to shoulder (mostly harmoniously!).

If you would like to find out more about the Logistics services that we offer, please Contact Us so that we can discuss your requirements in more detail.